- /Spawn – Sends you to spawn
- /Stats – Shows your full McMMO Stats (Your Levels)
- /McScoreboard then /McScoreboard keep – doing this will get your McMMO stats to stay up on your screen permanently
- /McTop – Shows the top leveled player on the server
- /Bal or /Money – Shows how much money you currently have
- /pay – To pay someone money
- /spleef joingui – Joins a spleef game
- /ignore NAME – This will ignore the user named NAME.
- /party – to get information on your part or start a party
- /dynmap hide – Hide yourself from the Website Map
- /dynmap show – Set on by default. Show yourself on the Website Map
- /bounty add <player> <amount> – Sets a bounty on the player for that set amount. Keep in mind you get charged an extra 10% of the bounty placed on someone.
- /bounty – Shows bounty (Only if you’re a Witch Hunter)
- /rtp – Teleports you anywhere around -5,000 – 5,000
- /f – Faction Commands
- /f create NAME – creates a faction
- /f join NAME – joins a faction
- /f home – TP to your factions home
- /bal – Shows your balance
- /f – Shows all of the commands for Factions
- /f join – allows you to join the faction you were invited to.
- /f power – shows your current power
- /f here – shows the information to the current spot you’re standing
- /f chat – changes your chat channel to whatever listed (truce, faction, ally, public)
- /f ignore – ignores the selected chat channel
- /f help – shows all of the help for commands (pretty much this)
- /f who – shows all of the information on the faction
- /f invites – shows all faction invites you’ve received
- /f list – lists all of the factions on the server
- /f home – goes to your factions home
Faction Owners
- /f create – Creates a faction with whatever name follows
- /f invite – invites a user to your faction
- /f deinvite – removes an invite sent
- /f promote – promotes a user to the next role
- /f demote – demotes a user to the previous role
- /f kick – kicks a user from the faction
- /f claim – Claims the land you’re currently standing on
- /f unclaim – unclaims the land you’re currently standing on
- /f unclaim all – unclaim all of your factions land
- /f autoclaim – autoclaims every land you walk over (must have enough power to continue to do so) type it again to remove autoclaim.
- /f enemy – makes another faction an enemy faction (Goes to war with them)
- /f ally – makes another faction an allied faction
- /f neutral – makes another faction neutral
- /f truce – not entirely sure yet to be honest.
- /f perms – opens a GUI to change the permissions of every role in your faction
- /f sethome – sets the home of your faction
- /f upgrade – allows you to upgrade your factions member count, ally count, enemy count, etc. using in game currency
- /f open – opens your faction to new joins
VIP Members
- /warp location – Warps to one of the warpable locations (All towns and VIP Zone)
- /TPA – Requests to teleport to another persons location (The other person MUST accept)
- /RTP – Teleports you anywhere around -10,000 – 10,000