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  • IP: Supernatural.Network


Information on the Wipe

Information on the Wipe

The votes came back and it was overwhelmingly sided for a server wipe. Because the community has voted we will be doing a hard wipe when we enter the official Beta stage of the server. There will be only a few things that are kept. Your Role will be kept, and all who played in…

Update 0.9.7 Major Update #1

Update 0.9.7 Major Update #1

We’ve added a TON of new, rich features to the game just now! With that in mind, there may be some stability issues which dev is currently working on. Please bare with us whilst we work on that. These features also haven’t been fully added as of now and may not work properly. We will…

Beta Soon & Poll

Beta Soon & Poll

We will be entering Beta really soon for the server. This will have Supernatural Plugin as 1.0.0, the birth of a TON of new features which we will be pushing throughout the month, and a few other things. With going into Beta we want to ask if you all would like us to wipe the…

1/12/2021 Patch Notes

1/12/2021 Patch Notes

Fixes hotbar being deleted if hotbar switcher is spammed Fixes the teleportation ability Fixes Witchhunter guide book having necromancer abilities in it Rewrote damage calculation functions and moved supernatural infection into the same function to potentially fix supernatural infection problems Allow all classes to use fists aswell as non weapons Allow witchhunters to use wooden…

Cashout Week!

Cashout Week!

This week we’ve rolled out some changes, and stopped some other things from rolling. You know who you are… as do we. We’ve removed tnt this week, enough to get some things working and changed. This includes tnt carts *stares at those who know what I’m talking about* We will reenable all tnt soon enough,…

Protect yourself before it’s too late!

Protect yourself before it’s too late!

Faction Servers should be known by the majorities as a place where you can kill people and take their land and stuff. However some of you may not know the different tricks on how to destroy peoples lands without going through all of that hard work. This blog post will be here to show you…

Change Log 1/04/2021

Change Log 1/04/2021

This update changes the following: Changes: Power arrows now set players on fire (they previously only lit the floor where they exploded on fire) Followers can be told to stop following the player Followers will resume following the player if hit by a non follower/leader Iron golems are naturally aggressive towards supernaturals Added blood vials…

Hotfix 12/19/2020

Hotfix 12/19/2020

We’ve recently patched the server, and added some minor bug fixes and some not so minor bug fixes. Below are the patch notes for this hotfix. Priest cure fixed Necromancer weapon restrictions fixed Pressure plates while holding book fixed eject Illegal armor when class changed fixed (and when werewolf night) classes now gain magic from…

Patch Notes 12/1/2020

Patch Notes 12/1/2020

We’ve updated a lot of things with the server and some things may change with gameplay because of it. First, we’ve made the spawn class friendly. Ghouls, vampires, etc. will now be able to go throughout the spawn without getting hit as we’ve added a ceiling to most of the spawn. Secondly we’ve added a…

Class Areas Part 1

Class Areas Part 1

Our goal for this server is to create a MMO feeling to the game, and what better way to do that than have an area/town for every class. On top of that, eventually we will have Quests that are specifically geared towards each class. Below are some images of each classes town/area. Unholy Area This…

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